Tag : Recipes
Pasta with Fresh Vegetables
Looking for a recipe with summer flavor? This delicious vegetable pasta dish is so easy to prepare and a great way to use up your...
Seasoned Brown Rice
I serve the stir-fry over the rice for a tasty no-fuss meal. For maximum flavor, use your fingertips to crumble the dried basil directly...
Pineapple Mustard Ham
Sweet and spicy ingredients combine in a fruity glaze to top this delightful ham, which was one of my mom's specialties. Our family...
Irish Oatmeal Brulee
“With its mild maple flavor and crispy broiled topping, this oatmeal is comforting yet special. I often use dried cherries instead...
Carrot Cheesecake
My family loves this creamy make-ahead dessert. Unlike traditional cheesecake, I sprinkle a streusel topping over the filling. It...
Hearty Macaroni Vegetable Soup
With just moments of prep time, this hearty soup truly couldn't be easier to make. Simply open up the ingredients, pour 'em in and...
Poker Chip Cookies
These poker chip cookies make a showstopping addition to your themed party. Practice makes perfect to get the royal icing design just...
Baked Crunchy Chicken
I have fixed this dish many times for company, and everyone always asks for the recipe. The leftovers—if there are any—are...
Bohemian Beef Dinner
When I was growing up, one of my favorite things to do was to help my mother in the kitchen while she prepared traditional Czech dishes...
Kentucky Pecan Pie
This rich, dense pie is served at Kentucky derby parties everywhere on derby day. It features a delicious dark chocolate filling topped...
Grandma Riley’s Banana Cake
This favorite recipe has been passed down through my husband’s family. His grandmother wrote this out for me shortly after we were...
Vegetable Potpie
We raised our daughters as vegetarians. I wanted to give them more options than just pizza and pasta, so when they were around 11...